Join Pediatric Cancer Foundation who has "stepped it up" for the last 50 years to support under funded research due to major funding gaps. With only 4% of federal funding allocated to Pediatric Cancer Research, researchers are extremely reliant on philanthropic dollars, which in the wake of the pandemic has already decreased by 30%. We are urging people nationwide to register and #stepitup by taking a walk ANYWHERE... ANYTIME... to raise money for critical life-saving research and to send a very loud message to policy makers that children battling cancer deserve more.
Registration: Register yourself as an individual, join a team or start a team. Once you register, create your own fundraising page.
Make It Personal: Personalize your fundraising page by inviting friends, family and co-workers to sponsor you. Share your own story of why this walk is important to you.
Share your personal page link:
Now that you have created a personal fundraising page, get it out there by sharing the link with everyone you know on your social media pages, text or email lists. Encourage your family, friends and colleagues to support your walk with a donation toward your personal goal or they can also make a direct donation to Pediatric Cancer Foundation. Don't forget to thank your donors and follow up with them when you reach your goal and your walk is complete. They will love seeing the ribbon turn GOLD as we reach our goal!
Share your selfies/pictures on your personal page: Get camera ready! Don't forget to take and post pictures of your walk on your personal social media pages and be sure to tag Pediatric Cancer Foundation with #pcfstepitup.
We can't wait to see everyone STEP-IT-UP for a Cure!
If you would like to send us a check, please mail it to:
Pediatric Cancer Foundation
P.O.Box 785
Mamaroneck, NY 10543